Thursday, November 09, 2006

Another "Ugh" Day

I got only a few hours of sleep again last night. I ate a piece of cheese (about an ounce) before bed to give my body a little fat and protein for sustenance through the night, but I woke up around midnight as hungry as ever and my legs were just burning up! It was so strange! I wanted to put my legs into the refrigerator to cool them off. I decided to boil up some pasta. In fact, I cooked a whole package of chicken tortellini (supposed to serve 5) and ate half of it (the dog got the other half). I also opened up the refrigerator door and just stood in front of it for a while to try to cool off my legs.

This hot leg thing is something that one other of my sisters has experienced. Her doctor said it was a symptom of menopause. Oh, joy.

Last night I started knitting a sweater for my friend Trish, but I pulled it off the needles today before noon because my gauge was all off. I knit a 4" x 4" gauge swatch and came up with 5.5 stitches per inch. Unfortunately, knitting that long section of the back, my actual gauge was more like 4 stitches per inch. That's bad. I have to re-think this or else Trish is going to have a tent instead of a sweater.

I have a workout today at the gym, then a dinner/meeting tonight. I'm not sure I'm going to make it to the latter. I'll hate to miss it, though.

Oh, I really want to sleep right now!

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