Monday, September 24, 2007

Five Things I am Thankful For (2)

Sorry, but i got very busy this past weekend. Here are five more things:

1. Charka dog, especially in the morning. She is usually stretched out on the floor in the livingroom when I get up. As soon as she sees me her tail starts wagging and her eyes light up. I go to pet her and she rolls over on her side so that I can get her belly (along with scratching her nose and ears).

2. Cool mornings. The weather has been pleasantly cool in the mornings, and the air has been fragrant with grass cuttings, moist earth, and various natural scents of wood and herbs and whatever else is growing, blooming, or dying this time of year.

3. PBS. I watched the first installment of the latest Ken Burns documentary, "The War," last night. It's done very well. A lot of my other favorite programs (Waking the Dead, Silent Witness, Inspector Lynley Mysteries, Waiting for God, etc.) are on PBS.

4. BBC television. They make most of my favorite programs on PBS!

5. My husband, Ed. ('nuff said)

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